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Conventional traditional Chinese medicine wholesale prices fell the pharmacy retail price is still “superior“

Medical network October 23rd news recently, the reporter visited the medicinewholesale market in Wanshou Road city of Xi'an found, three seven,dangshen, angelica medicinal herbs such as prices plummeted, some members of the public theory jin to buy. But in the retail chain pharmacy of Chinese herbal medicines, price is unshakable, did not cut prices, individual herbs wholesale price, retail price spread even reached 15 times.

Pharmacies "dead carry" medicine does not reduce the price

This year the price of Chinese herbal medicines as on the roller coaster,decline time. In recent days, the reporter visited understand that, in 2013June, the three seven had a record 900 yuan / kg, the highest price in history.From the late April this year prices fell, fell to 300 yuan per kg now. More thanthree seven, dangshen, angelica and other commonly used large Chineseprices are on a declining trend. Last year, dangshen price in 90 yuan / kg,and now can only sell 20 multivariate money. Angelica strips at 40 yuan / kg,compared to the same period last year fell by around 30% in the.

Popular Chinese herbal medicine prices drop so much, whether the price of retail pharmacy will follow the downward? The reporter visited several pharmacy Xi'an survey found, most shops prices are still "dead carry", did not cut prices.

"The Codonopsis pilosula 0.28 yuan / g, three seven to 1.4 yuan / grams,angelica 0.15 yuan / grams." This is in the traditional Chinese medicine counter Dongxin pharmaceutical supermarket, the reporter saw the retail price. Rosefinch Street Guangji pharmacy Codonopsis retail price is 0.3 yuan / g, and the three seven, the Chinese angelica price respectively is 1.5 yuan / gand 0.1 yuan / grams. While in the rosefinch door people big pharmacy,Codonopsis 0.28 yuan / g, three seven (60) 1.86 yuan / grams, angelica price is 0.216 yuan / grams.

Dongxin pharmaceutical supermarket, Guangji pharmacy, the common people big pharmacy three pharmacies, Guangji pharmacy dangshen price is the most expensive, 300 yuan / kg, is 15 times of the wholesale market. Three seven and Angelica people big pharmacy retail price of the most expensive, to 1860 yuan / kg and 216 yuan / kg, respectively 6.2 times and 5.4 times of thewholesale market.

Quality, procurement pushed up retail prices

Why between Chinese herbal medicine retail price and wholesale price gap is so big?

The eastern suburbs of Xi'an a drugstore buyer Mr. Sun said, in addition to different quality of the material level, there will be a great difference in price.The same kind of medicine may be divided into ten grades, wherein the firstend of the price difference between and can sometimes be a difference of ten times. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine is regulated by the market completely, pharmacies high purchase price when the pricing will be high,coupled with the logistics, loss, artificial, processing fees for price rises.

"Chinese medicine material branch of wild and home is different, the two not only exist the difference in efficacy, but also a large price gap." Associate Professor, Department of Wang Guangzhong College of medicine of traditional Chinese medicine processing Hubei University of traditional Chinese medicine said that Chinese herbal medicine is fastidious "the genuine medicinal materials", place of origin, channel of replenish onr's stock is not the same, the price is different.

"Medicinal material price is never pharmacies to say, we have no possibility of bargaining, hope the price departments to strengthen this aspect the price monitoring, supervision." Citizens Mr. Kong said, medicinal material pricewhether outrageous, only to see whether the drugstore touch conscience.Because of habit, grabbed the medicine before there can be no personnelfirst ask each kind of medicinal material price, as for the drugstore one yearinto a few goods, consumers are not know.

The net buys the medicine retail store is much cheaper than

Chinese herbal medicine high prices in the pharmacy, many smart consumerschoose online shopping. The reporters found that in the log on Taobaocontrast, many Chinese herbal medicine price is indeed cheap onlinepharmacies to buy.

A reporter for the "dangshen" as the keyword search, find the "9700 treasures". In order to origin Gansu Dingxi dangshen for example, haveTaobao sellers price only 39.6 yuan / kg, than in Xi'an Wanshou Roadwholesale market of medicine price nearly twice as expensive, but also the equivalent of the pharmacy retail price of about 1/7. Subsequently, the reporter search "three seven" to find "25600 baby", many sellers in the price of 300 yuan / kg, equivalent to Wanshou Road in the wholesale market priceand medicine. That is to say, drugstore price lowest price is 5 times more expensive than online.

The reporters found that the consumer groups to buy Chinese medicineonline is very large, only a sales Yunnan Wenshan "three seven" the shop, a month of trading records show that 2587 of people to buy. A Gansu Dingxishop, a month sold 1168 pounds of Codonopsis pilosula; and HunanShaoyang a sales Astragalus shop, January is sold 3113 copies. And someshop on the Chinese herbal medicines sell high, there are few transaction records.

A shop owner said, in Chinese herbal medicine retail market, has always beento fall with rose inertia. Consumers do not understand the medicine wholesale prices, it is difficult to determine which medicines sell expensive, even if there is a large spread between wholesale and retail, consumer also can only eat yabakui.

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